Use? or Abuse?

There are ozone generator manufacturers making claims that ozone generated at low levels at all times, even when people and animals are in the space, is healthy and acceptable.  This is a lie and there has been litigation over this issue.  The body is organic.

Ozone generators are usually purchased to clean air of mold and odors.  This means that ozone must be dangerous to organisms.  If it is dangerous to something as organic as mold, why would it not be dangerous to something as organic as you?

Folks like myself who have auto immune system diseases, will experience ozone as a toxin in the body because basically it is. If it is toxic to the atmospheric conditions, then why would it be acceptable to us?  So why would I use ozone to clean my air?  Because it works. It will actually cease mold and chemically induced symptoms in the body including  joint and muscle inflammation, headaches, depression, insomnia and other neurological and endocrine system issues.  It is the least expensive and most effective remedy you can use!

The only way to appropriately use ozone as a tool is to run it when no living beings are in the space.  Through much experience, I have found that the length of time to run an ozone generator will depend on the toxin you are targeting, the size of the space you are ozonating and the air flow in that space.

  • When targeting biological contaminants, I prefer to place the machine at the cold air return of the HVAC so the ozone is then dispersed throughout the house and through the ducts.  For a typical 2,600 square foot home, the running time would be approximately 5-7 hours followed by an airing time of about 2 hours. Once the smell of the ozone dissipates through the airing out process, the occupants can return to the house.  If you are trying to maintain lower levels of mold, then you would want to routinely ozonate as much as once every 3 weeks.  If you are just concerned about seasonal changes, then once every 3 months is probably adequate.
  • When targeting chemical contaminants, specifically pesticides, the ozone generator should be placed more specific to the target area.  For example, if termicides were used along the crawl space foundation and piers, then placing it in the crawl space and running it for 8-12 hours more consistently, like once per week, for 3-6 months will actually work to break down these chemicals.  This is the only remedial solution I know to be effective at eliminating these typical chemical toxins.

It is unfortunate that the EPA and other organizations condone the use of ozone when it is truly the most effective tool for cleaning specific indoor air toxins available today.  This is not an opinion, it is a fact.